That’s all about your Digital Identity
Digital identity , or in-short “digital ID” , which can best be achieved through digital signature, is about authenticating indviduals unambiguously through a digital channel, can in turn unlock access to more benefits from different sectors and could be a powerful key to inclusive growth, offering quantifiable economic value to individuals and organizations beyond significant noneconomic benefits such as civic and social empowerment.
Noneconomic benefits
Economic gain
Inclusive growth
well-designed digital identity
Emzame, Shakeylead Digital signature solution
Shakeylead offers solutions based on digital signature technology, making it easy to digitally sign documents by providing an interface on
your mobile phone and also a separate web panel, for sending and signing documents online and working with the appropriate Certificate
Authorities to provide trusted digital certificates.
Claim your CA digital certificate, sign and send documents
According to the Certificate Authority you are using, you may be required to provide specific information. Emzame application walks you through the process and ensures that you meet all of these requirements
after you have gained your digital signature certificate, you can simply sign a document which you have received through your mobile phone application AKA Emzame. The signed document will be available to the requester through his web panel and also on your device, on the signed documents panel
Empower your business integrity

certificate, sign and
send documents
after you have gained your digital signature certificate, you can simply sign a document which you have received through your mobile phone application AKA Emzame. The signed document will be available to the requester through his web panel and also on your device, on the signed documents panel

through your Emzame app

certificate, sign and
send documents
after you have gained your digital signature certificate, you can simply sign a document which you have received through your mobile phone application AKA Emzame. The signed document will be available to the requester through his web panel and also on your device, on the signed documents panel


certificate, sign and
send documents
after you have gained your digital signature certificate, you can simply sign a document which you have received through your mobile phone application AKA Emzame. The signed document will be available to the requester through his web panel and also on your device, on the signed documents panel


certificate, sign and
send documents
after you have gained your digital signature certificate, you can simply sign a document which you have received through your mobile phone application AKA Emzame. The signed document will be available to the requester through his web panel and also on your device, on the signed documents panel


certificate, sign and
send documents
after you have gained your digital signature certificate, you can simply sign a document which you have received through your mobile phone application AKA Emzame. The signed document will be available to the requester through his web panel and also on your device, on the signed documents panel

and files

PKI Features
To make sure that individuals and machines are the entities they claim to be, Encryption algorithms are used to secure communications and the privacy of data sent from one entity to another.
Proven PKI Provider
Emzame the approved digital signature solution provides you with its proven PKI features.
Future Proof and Agile
24/7 support and agile R&M services. Online support, several contact methods and customer orientation.
Unlock Greater Value
Speed-up product and service presenting, and integrate your procedures with customers and partner.
Foundational and Scalable
.Open to implementing foundational technologies that make your enterprise more agile
Here’s what some of our customers say about us: